We are bringing you a very powerful and impactful discussion with entrepreneur, author and the original Boss Mom, Dana Malstaff and Host Megan Spicer as they talk about Scaling Your Business with the Right Leverage. From people to technology and everything in between, it all makes an impact on the success of your business and how far you and your team can go and grow.


What we cover in this episode: 

  • 04:09 – The Human Version of “How to Scale My Business”
  • 10:13 – Leveraging the Right People and Technology
  • 19:01 – Impactful Delegation

The Human Version of “How to Scale My Business”  

One of the best things about Dana Malstaff is her relatability to reminding women in business that they are human and the overnight way of “how to scale my business” may not be the best way. As Megan Spicer states, “It’s ok if it goes a little slower, because you’re still better than you were yesterday… It’s not about getting there the fastest. It’s about getting there in a way that feels good to you and prioritizing things in a way that helps you get to your goals in a way that makes sense.” 


Social media of course does not help the cause of trying to slow down when you have places to go. The urge to want to build and scale up business fast and now, is hard to ignore when you have so many people and businesses to compare yourself to. Dana Malstaff uses the analogy of juggling. 


Each ball you have represents a different important part of your life such as work, kids, family, school, hobbies, cleaning, cooking, and working out to name a few. You can never do it all all one time; you can never have all your balls in the air at one time. One week you may focus more on building your business and the next week you may put your family and hobbies as the priority, and this is ok. 


Trying to do it all at, all the time, at one time isn’t humanly possible. There will always be something that gives in order to make scaling your business sustainable and effective. Remembering that there is no wrong way to grow and that you need to do what feels best for you and your journey is important.  

Leveraging the Right People and Technology

You don’t and shouldn’t do everything by yourself. It is 2023 and there are amazing people and amazing technology out there that can give you relief and growth; you of course just need to find the right ones. We do know this is easier said than done but when you put the excuses aside, it is easier. 


Excuses We Didn’t Know We Had

Excuses come in many forms and sometimes they hide themselves in what we perceive to be truths about ourselves. An example Dana Malstaff uses is her relationship with procrastination. “So procrastination I’ve been good at… and working through this like, that’s how I’m validated. I’m validated by being able to make it happen at the last minute because that’s what I’m good at. The fear of then not being good at doing things methodically… because I’ve been so validated in my behavior, before that I was scared to move out of my comfort zone.”

how to scale my business

The Categories We Put Ourselves In 

As people we like to categorize ourselves and sometimes use those categories as a scapegoat to why we do or don’t do certain things. Dana Malstaff talks about how personality tests are a big factor in this. There are so many out there but if you are put in an extrovert category, you tend to push yourself that way. If you are put in an analytical category then you tend to only see and think in that way which evolves into an excuse on why you only do things a certain way. 


No matter your zodiac sign, your personality type according to a test or the Facebook quiz you took, you can break those molds. Sometimes coming out of these comfort zones and keeping an open mind is necessary to scale up business.


The number one piece of advice to remember when leveraging the right people and the right technology is that this process still starts with you. If you are not your best self or working on your best self then no tool or person will work out. If you are your best version of yourself, tools and people can take your business to new heights. 



Impactful Delegation

“If you are delegating, the biggest thing you can do for them is arm them with good questions for you… If you are feeling like I didn’t give you enough information, then here’s a couple of questions to ask me. So I am arming you with the questions right away… Here’s some clarifying questions you can ask me, it will get my brain going and I will make sure you have enough information.”  


Giving your team permission and empowerment to be honest with you and communicate their life with you so you know what is going on and how it may affect their work is huge. Equipping your team members and employees with what they need to be successful in their job whether it is questions, leeway, or deadlines, will make you successful in growing your business.



There is more than one way to scale your business but that doesn’t mean they are all the right way for you. No tools, people, or marketing will work if you don’t work on yourself. Improving and developing yourself allows you to grow mentally and emotionally in ways that lead to growth for you team and for your business. Leveraging all of the information you have and applying it is when you will start seeing the growth you are wanting. 



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